One of the most typical figures of the old West is perhaps that of the Sheriff, armed with his gun and his star. And that beloved and feared, hated and respected gun, was an authentic milestone in the american history, tied up as it is to the life and to the myth of legendary characters: Buffalo Bill, Billy the Kid, Wild Bill Hickok, the Dalton brothers, Theodore Roosevelt, Captain Jack Crowford. That gun IS the Single Action Army, at once nicknamed “Peacemaker“ for its sure pacifving effect. The project, introduced in i 872, brought forth to face the demand of the american Ordnance Dept. for a new big caliber revolver destined to equip the cavalry, is to a large extent ascribable to a skilled technician named William Mason. Mason had been able to design a revolutionary gun, combining a new ejection device with the best characteristics of the revolvers produced until then : compact frame and screw lodged barrel.The internal mechanism, still valid after 25 years from the introduction of the Walker, did not require any design modification. Due to the high accuracy of the gun compared with the other guns of that time, it was decided to set production for a speciai series that could be supplied with a shoulder stock, with different barrel lengths from 10 inches to 16 inches those guns were named BUNTLINE SPECIAL. A further modification, applied in order to have a quicker draw, shortened the barrel to 3 1/2 inches, while the extraction tube was removed. Our range of Single Action breaks up into different classes. The First and most valuable for the type of finishing, is case-hardened and blued or nickeled. The second comes with steel or brass backstrap and triggerguard. The third features a blade front sight and a rear sight on the frame, or a folding leaf rear sight and a dovetail front sight. The fourth lists all different barrel lengths. Ibe 11fth7 the different calibers.
last Update : December 2008
(46 Models)

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